Monday Morning Marketing Moment #4

Welcome to our “Monday Morning Marketing Moment”. This is the fourth in a series of short blog posts that center around digital marketing. Today we will be talking about Coming Soon Pages. Launching a new website is exciting, but it’s also a lot of hard work. There is copy and images to be finalized, designs to…

Mark’s Local Interactions #1

Welcome to the first edition of Mark’s Local Interactions. This is the first in a series of blog posts that center around local businesses. I am at the Feel Good Store on Germain Street chatting with the owner, Anne McShane. If you have never ventured inside Anne’s shop, you are missing out on a real…

Monday Morning Marketing Moment #3

Welcome to our “Monday Morning Marketing Moment”. This is the third in a series of short blog posts that center around digital marketing. Today we will be talking about Facebook Business Pages, or, more specifically, why they can’t take the place of a website.

5 Ways To Make Your Blog More Interesting

Let’s face it. For most of us, business blogging is hard. I know it is for me. Coming up with new ideas, doing the research, and then doing the actual writing are all big pieces of it. It takes time, patience, strategy, consistency and perseverance.