More Than A Pretty Picture
I recently had the pleasure of giving a presentation to the CBRG (Collaborative Business Referral Group), which is a Saint John networking group that focuses on passing qualified referrals to its members.
The main chunk of the presentation was dedicated to the importance of having a mobile friendly website. As we all know, the usage of mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets is on a rapid rise, while desktop usage is declining. Your customers are viewing your website on mobile devices more than ever before, and if it is not mobile friendly, you can be potentially be losing business. Actually, let me re-phrase – if your website is not mobile friendly, you ARE losing business.
The second part of the talk concentrated about the visual aesthetics of the website. Whether it’s right or wrong, people will make assumptions about your business based on how your website looks – maybe not everyone, but certainly enough that you should be taking notice. If your website is dated and lacks visual interest, you are, again, losing potential business.
And finally, I wrapped it up with the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). While it’s important to have a mobile friendly website that looks good, it does you no good if you can’t be found. Great content, proper structure, and great programming are all needed to make this happen. Fortunately for me (and for you when you hire us) my team is awesome at all of this.
So what does this all mean?
When we wrap it all up, your website requires 3 main things:
- It needs to look good .
- It needs to be programmed properly, meaning it needs to mobile friendly and search engine friendly.
- It needs great content.
So, while a pretty website is what the client sees, what the client doesn’t see is just as important.
A good looking website with brains. Hard to beat that!